Butterfly Effect: Evolve Your Present

Monday, February 05, 2007

Osiris vs. Bast and other epic conflicts

So here's a fun game: Blogger has now moved completely to being driven by Google accounts. What this means for us is that I had to associate our account with one of my existing Google accounts in order to get to it. Check your email for info about the new login and password.

In other news, I've done some research, and it appears that Bast and Osiris NEVER interact in Egyptian legend. There's one version where Bast is Osiris's daughter, but it turns out that was an error by some Greek guy back in the day. Apparently, in that misty place in the godly plane of existence where all the Egyptian deities hang out, Bast and Osiris do NOT bump into one another.

What this means for our mythos is...well, we have nothing in real mythology to base it on, so we can essentially make it up. I would suggest we put this down to some kind of contest. Like, Ra or one of the other creation gods tells Osiris and Bast that only one form of life can be maintained, and so they must compete to decide whose life form will be the one to keep. Or, I don't know, Ra said "prove which one is better and I will give you cookies and rainbows" or something. In this scenario, we at least have the premise of a "game" or "contest" built-in...thus, the idea of having to control two out of three hot spots, or a certain number of hexes, or whatever, has some sort of basis in the mythos, instead of being an obvious game convention.

Does anyone have any other ideas on this? I'm certainly open to suggestions, since we're pretty much wide open to make up whatever we want.



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