Butterfly Effect: Evolve Your Present

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

D6 Combat System:

Random Chance System: When Engaged in Combat: Roll 1 D6 (Six sided Die) and compare total scores after modifiers are taken off. ie +1 due to ability

Strategy System: Each card has an associated number (ie Armor Class)
and when engaging with that card, you must outroll the number printed
on there, adding or subtracting any modifiers. ie Aardvark, AC 4, when
defending, add +1 to this cards AC score.

We are settling with the Strategy system, one number defense at this point in time.

The random chance system could be implemented as a wholly
different aspect of the game, such as a roll off when poisonous plants
are present to see how many animals succumb to it's effects, etc.

Base Aspects that can be modified through the system:

1. Movement
2. Toughness
3. Attack

Evolution Card:

1. Wings - You incur no penalties from terrain
2. Thorns - You lower your opponents die roll by 1
3. Camoflauge - opponent must roll off d6 against you before even attempting
an attack. (when attacked)
4. Poison - reduce the toughness of all afflicted organisms by 2
5. Stench - Stop an attack within one hex, can be used once/turn
6. Spines - Increase your attack by 1
7. Speed - Increase hex movement by 1
8. Claws - Increase attack by 1
9. Scales - Increase defense by 1
10. Burrowing - opponent suffers 2x terrain penalties/bonus
11. Agility - opponent must roll a 3 before even attacking you
12. Gills - you incur no penalties from water terrain
13. Thick Hide - increase your toughness by 2, but decrease movement by 1
14. Fur - increase defense against plants by 1
15. Smell -
16. Thick Bark - increase defense against animals by 1
17. Unpleasant Taste - reduces attack of animals by 1
18. Intelligence/Tactics/Sentience -
19. Movement - allows plants to move without reproducing
20. Horns - increase attack by 2, but toughness by 1

Fantasy Evolution:

1. Metallic - Add + 2 to your toughness rating
2. Photosynthesis - Not affected by poison/?
3. Phasing/Blinking/Teleporting - You are able to move directly without
incurring penalties from terrain.
4. Fire Breath - You can engage in combat from one hex away.
5. Changeling - Able to copy one characteristic of any plant/animal in play

Venom - Attack of opponent -1, Plant counterpart is Poison.
Wings-Movement + 1, Animals only
Thorns-Add +1 to the attack of any Plant, animal counterpart is Spines.
Camoflauge-Must roll a 4 or higher to defeat this opponent, regardless of base toughness, plants and animals.
Thick Hide-+1 to toughness rating, Plant counterpart is Bark.
Stench-This character can only be attacked once per turn. Plants and animals.
Vines-Reduce movement of any animal within 2 hexes by -1, Plants only.
Size-Add +1 to the attack and toughness of this creature, plants and animals.
Parasite-Copy an existing ability of your opponent's on the board and apply it to
this organism. Plants and animals.

To Add In:
All cards are buffs for your characters, but there are no ones that you can set them in as detrimental debuffs for your opponent's characters.


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