Butterfly Effect: Evolve Your Present

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lily's observations and everyone's suggested rule changes from Tuesday

- The game is too slow and people tend to want to flood the board isntead of moving
+ suggestion(s): force all placement of cards into one action and all movement into another
- Hard for players to tell where to put evolution cards on the templates (as there are whole cards they want to see)
+ suggestion(s): make the height of the template longer and add a spot that explicitly says "put evolution cards here"
+ suggestion(s): leave a spot on the template for a discard pile
- Placement of propogated pieces in present is not obvious (nor is death pattern)
+ suggestion(s): illustrations or actual physical demo before game starts
- battle isn't clear enough
+ suggsetion(s): Avoid hardcore RTS players, I kid I kid! Add some form of flanking or influence for surrounding pieces
- players want to play multiple pieces or attack in masses or take more actions
+ suggsetion(s): You can't make everyone happy? Most solutions would increase complexity unfortunately
- too many evolution cards
+ suggestion(s): only one evolution card per species
- which leads straight into: can't tell what your and the other person's stats is
+ suggestion(s): visible pegs or a wheel that allows both players to see all the numbers. Or, make the game digital. Sigh. Also, line up the template better both color and placement wise so that its easier to see whats going on when both players have the same thing going on initially.
- It's Egyptian myth not Fertile Crescent
+ Suggestion(s): Find people who know less about history, no really, I kid!
- Too many things going on!
+ Suggestion(s): Play again? It doesn't hurt as much the second time! No, the serious change here is removing the mandrake and cattle.

Rule sheet changes
- Fix end condition on premise section of rules to 1 city each in past and present
- Only place pieces in the present on first turn
- Have to place new pieces in green zones only (always)
- Only one evolution card per turn
- Each piece only propogates once ever
- Only one piece per spot
- Battle happens at the intersection of speicies from different sides on one spot
- What happens when you propogate onto a piece you already own (override)



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