Butterfly Effect: Evolve Your Present

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rules used in today's playtest

Also, remember that we're meeting tomorrow at 4 in the IML. See you kids then!

Premise: Ra, the almighty Sun God, has proposed a contest: decide which is better, plants or animals. You, as either Bast (on behalf of the animals) or Osiris (on behalf of the plants) must establish populations of your subject species (both in the past and in the present), evolve those species, control territory, and be the first to gain control of 2 of Ra’s 3 designated cities.

Initial setup: Each player draws five cards, and is given one each of their three species. Players roll to see who goes first, and take turns placing pieces on the board until each player has three in place. Pieces may be placed anywhere on the board, so long as they are at least three spaces away from any of Ra’s cities.

Time Travel: Although Ra’s contest takes place in the present, you are a god, and can therefore manipulate time. It may be to your advantage to travel back in time, establish a population, and return to the present to see how it’s grown.

Territory Conflict: There will often be cases wherein you and your opponent will be competing for the same space on the board. In these cases, your disagreement will be settled via a dice roll. The player who initiates the challenge must roll a number that is higher than the defender’s species’ health number (2 for a hawk, 4 for a palm tree, etc). Keep in mind that certain evolutionary traits enhance the defense and attack abilities of species.

Evolution: From time to time, you will draw evolution cards, which can permanently add new abilities to your base species. Each evolution card may only be played once, and on one species.

Movement: Pieces can be moved based on the “move” number on a species’ card. Thus, a hawk can move 2 spaces, wheat can move 3, etc.

Turn breakdown (go through these steps in order, skipping 1 and 2 where appropriate):
1. If you are in the present, draw cards until there are 5 in your hand.
2. Move back in time (doing so ends your turn).
3. If you are in the present, make a total of three moves. These might include placing pieces on the board, moving pieces across the board, or confronting your opponent to acquire territory. If you are in the past, you will only make one move. Again, remember that any piece placed on the board must be at least three spaces from Ra’s cities.

End Condition: When one player controls two of Ra’s key cities, the opposing player has one turn to attempt to gain control of one of those territories. If the challenger is successful, play continues as normal. If they are unsuccessful, the player with two cities is the winner and the game is over.



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